Monday, March 2, 2009


According to Jeremy, his favorite...

Color? Blue
Food? Big Fat Steak
Show? The First 48
Character? Peter Griffin
Book? Men With Balls
Sport to play? Golf
Sport to watch? Football
Holiday? Thanksgiving
Snack? Pringles
Favorite thing to do with Peyton? play ball
Favorite thing to do with Layla? make her laugh
Favorite thing to do with Mommy? better not write that here

Let's see...what else should I tell you about him. He adores his two children. Most of the time, they have him wrapped around their pinky fingers and most of the time, I'm ok with that. He loves to wrestle with Peyton and give horsey rides to Layla.

When it's too cold outside to golf, he's inside bowling.

He loves to cook, especially weekend breakfasts or when we decide to have breakfast for dinner. He could grill out all year long and has been known to attempt to smoke ribs in single digit temperatures!

From time to time (read short spurts with multiple year spans in between) he likes to paint. We have several of his pictures hanging on our walls.

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