Friday, June 5, 2009

Water Play

Peyton is done with school for the summer. He's been home for two full days now and one of his favorite ways to fill the time has been playing in water. Sprinklers really, as we haven't set the pool up yet this year. So, here are some pictures and a video of them playing in water.

I didn't want to post both of these videos but the second one is worth it for the Layla laughs you can hear about 30 seconds in and the great big cheesy smile she produces at the very end.

SplashPad at Memorial Park

turning the water on
and playing peek-a-boo
with Mommy around the pole

Peyton calls this rainbow the car wash,
but this is Layla running through it

Action shots of Peyton & Layla
having a blast in the water

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