Monday, June 28, 2010

Our little golfer

Peyton has always, always, ALWAYS loved to golf. But, today was his big day. His first real outing, round, tournament, anything really. He's been to the course with Daddy many times before and has even played with a few other guys a couple of times, but he's never had to carry his own bag, keep his own score and not been allowed to tee-up the ball for every hit, but today was the day!! For three holes anyways. And he loved it and happened to do pretty well, too. Well enough to be better than the others who played today. Here are the pictures Daddy captured from the morning.

Hitting the links

Destined to be golf partners
(Peyton with Tyler)
Rob (Tyler's Daddy and Jeremy's golf partner)
had a tee time for 2015 for these two to golf together.

The proof is in the lower left corner of our hospital "guestbook".
On the tee box

Chipping to the green
The final score sheet

And the winner is...

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