Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Baby Girl turns 3!

Happy Birthday, Pretty Layla! (Although you're hardly a baby anymore...I'll always call you my baby)!

We had a great time celebrating with you at Chuck E. Cheese this evening. And we talked a lot today about your party we had in June.

And, just for fun...a picture of you, 3 years ago today!

And the fun part of turning 3...interviewing you on your new favorites.

Color? yellow and green (really? I've never heard this before, but I guess I haven't really asked, either)

Food? Yogurt (that's pretty true, but also exactly what she was eating when I asked) she's a pretty good eater, except for dinner, she doesn't eat anything then)

Show? Dora

Character? Dora

Song? "Jingle, Jingle little Poop" followed by giggles from both her and Big Brother. Oh the joys of having an older brother for such a sweet little girl. She had been singing Jingle Bells just moments before (that's what reminded me to ask these questions) and I know that's what she was talking about.

Book? Dora, of course

Sport to play? I don't have sports...pretty true, she just gets stuck with whatever Big Brother wants to play

Sport to watch? Just Spiderman. Pretty random, but that's another of Big Brother's favorites.

Holiday? Christmas

Snack? blueberries (again, that's what's currently in her bowl), but she often sneaks sandwich cheese all by herself

Thing to do with Mommy? "have a snack" not really sure what that means, but it's what she said

Thing to do with Daddy? wrestle

Thing to do with Peyton? play air hockey

Place to go: bowling

Best Friends: Austin, Alex, Ayden and Reuben

Animal: baby elephant

This is very fun to compare to what was said almost one year ago.

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