Thursday, July 23, 2009

Like Father, Like Child!

Daddy is a bowler and here is a little proof that his children follow in his footsteps!

P has a whole bowling season under his belt already, but this was a brand new experience for L! And she had a fantastic time.

Check out her form...

And her follow through...

P is bowling one-handed now...

And he even gets consistently decent scores...

L did all of this game all by herself as you can see from the score. Her ball sometimes took forrrrrrrevvvvvvvvverrrrrrrrrrr to get down the lane, but it always made it. Towards the end of the second game Mommy had to give the ball a little extra push but bowling held L's interest for 2 whole games today.

We love Kids Bowl Free! which would allow each child to bowl 2 free games each day this summer. We're only taking advantage of that one day a week as it is the only day our bowling alley is open in the morning. Besides, we have too much fun doing other things during the summer, but this has been an added bonus as we get through this last month of summer.

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