Layla started preschool today, finally, in her mind. She has been waiting for this day for 2 years as we've taken Peyton to school everyday and she has wanted to go with him. Mommy on the other hand, was not so ready, but I didn't shed a tear...until after I left and wanted to work, but had to take care of other "stuff" from the not so good weekend. Here are the pictures from the morning.
Ready for her first day of preschool
Peyton is so proud to take his little sister to school.
Peyton telling Layla what to expect today.
A hug to start the big day.
When I asked Layla what she wanted to be when she grew up, she looked at Peyton and asked him. He of course said "baseball player." So, Layla turns to be and says the same thing. Copy Cat! But that's what we wrote.
And her is a close up of how Layla wrote her name before she started preschool.
Peyton did a great job taking his very first picture. Too bad Mommy blinked as usual.
His second attempt was a little blurry, but much better picture.
Layla tried to take a picture of Peyton and Mommy. We'll keep working on this skill.
Layla with Mrs. Witzegreuter!
Walking to the car with Ms. Huth
It was a good first day!