Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday Day Trip

Welcome to the Indianapolis Children's Museum by the humongous 4 story Dale Chihuly blown glass sculpture...

Train Depot (can you see the person in this picture?)

Cutest paleontologists ever, digging for dinosaur fossils in the National Geographic Treasures Exhibit.  There were life size dinosaurs breaking in to the museum.  It was so cool!  The kiddos were a bit scared, but they got over it.

Pretending to be a mommy dinosaur sitting on the eggs in the nest

There was also an Egypt exhibit that I love, love, loved.  I just didn't get any pictures.  They had what appeared to be a real airplane that felt like it was taking off to enter the exhibit.  Then, it was different from any other museum I've ever been were supposed to touch everything and pretend you were living in cool!

Then there was the Barbie exhibit.  Not much touching of the actual old display dolls, that really felt like a museum, but there were so many dress up areas and play areas and one of the most interesting subject matters I've ever seen in a museum.  Miss L loved all the princesses!

Next up was the race car.  That made up for the Barbie's in P's mind.

The marble run.  Now Peyton is set on recreating this in our house.  I told him we could do our own version....we'll see how that goes.

And the wonderful construction area.  If only our kids picked up toys with as much enthusiasm as they picked up the Styrofoam rocks.

Walking on plastic cups

Coming out of the underground experience

The water clock & Spiderman

So much fun.  So many things to see and do.  The kiddos even experienced their first planetarium show.  I so wish this was just a little closer so we could get there more often, but we'll definitely make it more often now that we know how awesome it is!!


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Big Guy's First Ever Soccer Game

A very interesting experience indeed.  I took video of him playing forward in the first quarter and didn't get any good still pictures and then decided to take these when he was playing defense in the third quarter, but his team played offense the whole game and so I got no action shots.  There will be more.  He did stay very interested as is his nature.  He watched every play even when he was sitting out.  Crazy sports addicted kid.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Camping at Pymatuning State Park, PA

Feeding fish at the Spillway Feeding Bowl with Grandpa & Grandma Jean and cousin Cady

Catching fish.  They might be small but there is a fish in most of these pictures...

Grandpa Gene, Grandma Jean and their grandchildren

Deer Park Walk Through Zoo