Friday, May 22, 2009

Free Art Friday

It was such a beautiful day.  I didn't want to come inside but I wanted to do some art and when given the choice between painting and coloring, the kiddos chose painting even though coloring would've been a sinch to move outside.  So, I thought, how can we do this outside, but not just on the table, like always.  Here's the results...Peyton loved it and I have a feeling he'll be asking for it more this summer.  He is our painter, after all!


And, yes, those are my clean sheets hanging in the background.  I just prayed the kiddos would stick to the paper on the tree and my sheets would survive without streaks of red, orange, green and brown.  But, hey, if not, it's washable paint, right?!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Case of the Missing Pink Tee

Oh, it's going to be a long summer, spent in our back yard searching for pink or white or blue or orange or red golf tees.  Do you remember, not that long ago, I wished for golf rather than bowling?  I may be eating my words if I'm called out into the yard too many more times to look for a specific color tee somewhere around there, over there, or maybe over here. 

And I thought I was being smart buying'll always be able to find those in the grass.  Oh, but not in the lush green we are experiencing right now.  Maybe later, but not today.

And will one of the extras I have in the house or that you have in your bag work as a replacement?  NO!  So, the search continues.

We should buy stock now in whatever company makes tees and the nerf golf balls as well.  We've only lost 3 or 4 of those over the neighbors fence so far.